
Chips collage

The Very Large Scale Integration (VLSI) Research Group at the University of Minnesota focuses on developing core circuit technologies for enabling smart and energy-efficient integrated systems. Applications we target range from quantum-inspired computing, cryogenic computing, machine learning and neuromorphic computing, hardware security, internet-of-things, medical devices, sensor networks, to radiation hardened chips. 

Recent News

June 2024 Yonghyeon's power grid electromigration paper has been selected as the best student paper at IRPS 2024. Congratulations! [PAPER] [SLIDES]

May 2024 Professor Kim was named a Mcknight Presidential Endowed Chair, one of the highest honors at the University of Minnesota [LINK] 

Oct 2023 Our paper on a 48-spin all-to-all connected Ising solver chip has been published in Nature Electronics and is featured on the cover page. This research has also drawn significant interest from IEEE Spectrum and the College of Science and Engineering at the University of Minnesota.  [IEEE SPECTRUM] [ANNOUNCEMENT] [COVER IMAGE] [ARTICLE] [PREPRINT]

Jan 2023 We are embarking on several new projects aiming at developing commercially-viable quantum-inspired computing chips [NEWS]

May 2022 Our quantum-inspired Ising chip with almost 2,000 coupled ring oscillators is published in Nature Electronics [PAPER] [NEWS] [BRIEFING]